星期二, 1月 29, 2008


FF: "近日有人在網站討論區發放英皇娛樂女藝人鍾欣桐跟男藝人陳冠希在床上的裸照,英皇娛樂已報案。

本網 fungfung.net 強列讉責發放者之行為,這對鍾欣桐的打擊一定很大,任何人也應立即停止發放或轉載有關照片! 而本網 fungfung.net 也對陳冠希感到失望,本網有可能移走所有 Edison 的作品

英皇娛樂藝人管理部在聲明中指事態嚴重,已展開追查行動,一旦尋得來源及證實發放人便會即時采取法律行動。聲明又提醒市民,公開刊登色情照片屬違法行為,呼籲任何人停止發放或轉載有關照片,否則亦會追究法律行動。<read more>"

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

i dont know why you're disappointed by Edison, to me it sounds like you're 100% he committed this incident. How did you know it was from HIS mobile? and not HER's? or there is also a possibility that the photos were photoshop'd. Then wouldn't both of them be the victim instead of just Gillian?

852hk 說...

I feel disappointed its because he haven't step out and face the problems...

he should not ran away and hiding himself...